Tuesday, May 14, 2024

OIC HCM - about delimiter data (.dat) file

The HCM data loader provides a template file which is a .dat file for each supported business object hierarchy. 

The template contains:

A COMMENT line: 

Identifies the business object  its version, and the file-creation date.


COMMENT data for Business Object: Grade Version: V2 Created on: 14-05-2024


All files must include METADATA lines, to explain which attributes are included in the file and the order in which their values are supplied.



All attribute names and values are delimited by the pipe ‘|’ character by default.The string immediately after the METADATA instruction identifies the record type the attributes are for, in this case ‘Grade’. The values that follow are the names of the attributes available on the Grade record, that you want to supply data for.

Note: Ensure your text editor is using UTF-8 encoding.

A Data line:

The lines which holds the actual data for the business object to be imported.


MERGE|Grade|IC1|COMMON|Individual Contributor 1|2000/01/01|A

The MERGE instruction tells HDL to create the grade if it doesn’t already exist, or update it if it does.Again, the value immediately after the MERGE instruction identifies the record type the attributes for. The values that follow are the values for the attributes named in the corresponding METADATA line.

Add these MERGE lines to your file:

MERGE|Grade|IC2|COMMON|Individual Contributor 2|2000/01/01|A

MERGE|Grade|IC3|COMMON|Individual Contributor 3|2000/01/01|A

MERGE|Grade|M1|COMMON|Manager 1|2000/01/01|A

MERGE|Grade|M2|COMMON|Manager 2|2000/01/01|A

Each record needs to be uniquely identified. For grade records the user key is the combination of GradeCode and SetCode, i.e. IC2 and COMMON.

Save your file, naming it Grade.dat. Alternatively, you can download and edit the Grade.dat file.

Compress (zip) the Grade.dat into a filename of your choice, but it must have a .zip file extension. You have created your first HCM Data Loader file for bulk loading grades. Follow the next step to import this into the HDL staging tables and load the data into the application tables.

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