Tuesday, March 15, 2022

ERP BI sql query to fetch output based on ESS REQUEST HISTORY Table last run date | Fetch Processstart from ESS_Request_History table

Usecase: Here using ess job tables - ESS_request_history and ESS_request_property, we will fetch the latest succeeded processstart data as last_run_date and then compare this last_run_date with the last_update_date from the xla_trsansaction_headers.

Same BI sql query to fetch the last run date latest data from ERP db tables:


WITH ess_requests
AS (select NVL(MAX(erh.processstart), NULL) last_run_date FROM fusion.ess_request_history erh, fusion.ess_request_property erp1
Where erh.executable_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
AND erp1.requestid = erh.requestid
AND erp1.name ='reportID'
AND erp1.VALUE = '/Custom/Integrations/Poc/SampleREP.xdo'
AND erh.submitter = 'SVC_OIC_ERP')

Select '1' super_group
,xal.sr8 policy number
From xla_ae_lines xal
,xla_ae_headers xah
,xla_events xe
,xla_transaction_entities xte
,xla_transaction_headers xth
 ,gl_code_combinations gcc
,xla_event_types_b xet
,ess_requests er

Where 1=1
And xte.entity_id =xe.entity_id
And xte.application_id = xe_application_id
And xe.event_id =xah.event_id
And xah.ledger_id = xal.ledger_id
And xth.last_update_date > NVL(er.last_run_date, SYSDATE - 2)


With jobrun as 
(Select (
Select nvl(MAX(erh.processstart), sysdate-1)
From fusion.ess_request_history erh
Where 1=1
And upper(erh.definition) like '%ESS_Report_Name%'
And erh.executable_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
AND erh.submitter = 'SVC_OIC_ERP') last_run
From dual)

Select distinct cc.segment1
From gl_period_statuses ps
,gl_je_headers jeh
,gl_je_lines jel
,gl_je_sources src
,gl_code_combinations cc
,gl_je_batches jeb
,xla_ae_lines xal
,xcla_ae_headers xah
Where 1=1
And ps.application_id =101
,ps.ledger_id = jeh.ledger_id
And jeh_period_name =ps.period_name
And ((jeh.last_update_date) >=jobrun.last_run
Or (jel.last_update_date) >=jobrun.last_run
Or (jeb.last_update_date) >=jobrun.last_run
Or (src.last_update_date) >=jobrun.last_run
Or (xah.last_update_date) >=jobrun.last_run
Or (xal.last_update_date) >=jobrun.last_run)

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