Monday, March 7, 2022

OIC Techniques - Decode base64 encoded BI publisher report | Call an Oracle Fusion Applications Business Intelligence Publisher Report Synchronously

When the SOAP Adapter calls an Oracle Fusion Applications business intelligence publisher (BIP) report synchronously, the report data is always returned as a base64-encoded string in the response.

Parsing Techniques:

Option1: Recommended: Use the decodeBase64ToReference mapper function to convert the base64 string to a file reference and use the file reference in a stage file action/FTP Adapter read file operation scenario for further processing.

Option2: Alternative: Write the base64 string using an opaque schema to a file using a stage file action/FTP Adapter write file operation scenario, then read the file using a stage file action/FTP Adapter scenario for further processing.

Write the file with opaque schema:

Map the ERP BI base64 encoded response to Opaque element.

Read the file using Stage:

Upon calling a BIP report synchronously, the request sent to the BIP web service initiates report generation and sends a response back after the report is generated. This can cause latency issues in an Oracle integrarion environments.

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