Saturday, February 12, 2022

SOA links

Service Oriented Architecture(SOA):

  1. oracle-soa-12c-features
  2. 12c SOA BPEL - Process Large Files Using Oracle File Adapter Chunked Read Option
  3. Oracle 12c SOA Suite - composites lazy loading
  4. 12c-soa-event-delivery-network-edn
  5. SOA composites migration from 11g to 12c. ( to (
  6. 12c-soa-inmemoryoptimization
  7. 12c SOA - Advance Queue - what is Dequeue Condition and how to configure it.
  8. Oracle 12c - AQ Adapter Enqueue and Dequeue
  9. 12c-soa-domain-value-map-dvm
  10. 12c-soa-sensors
  11. 12c-soa-use-of-configuration-plan
  12. 12c SOA - Composite, MDS artifacts and configuration plan deploy using WLST
  13. SOA 12c ESS - Schedule SOA composite and OSB Proxy Services
  14. 12c-soa-manual-purging-soa-infra
  15. 12c-soa-auto-purging-soa-infra-setups
  16. 12c-soa-xrefcross-reference
  17. 12c-soa-dvm-vs-xref
  18. SOA Suite 11g & 12c – Oracle BPEL Master and Detail process coordination using signals
  19. bpel-transaction-and-delivery-policies
  20. interaction-patterns-in-bpel-process
  21. 12c-jdeveloper-ide-installation-steps
  22. 12c Jdeveloper - How to create integrated Application server to deploy composites directly to server
  23. 12c SOA - Expose Get Rest SOA service and test from browser, SoapUi and PostMaster
  24. 12c SOA - Expose Post Rest SOA service using REST adapter and test from SoapUI and PostMaster
  25. 12c SOA - Invoke get rest soa service from SOA composite using REST adapter
  26. 12c SOA - Invoke Post Rest SOA service from another SOA composite using REST adapter
  27. 12c SOA - File based MDS or MDS reference locally using designTimeRepository and adf_config_xml
  28. 12c SOA - encryption and decryption of sensitive data
  29. 12c-soa-how-to-create-csf-key
  30. 12c SOA - Rest vs SOAP WebServices
  31. 12c SOA - Rename a SOA Composite using template
  32. 12c-soa-move-file-using-file-adapter
  33. 12C OSB - Leverage work manager for throttling
  34. 12c SOA - Oracle BPEL Dehydration
  35. 12c SOA - Dehydrate activity in BPEL to commit transaction
  36. 12c-soa-use-of-call-template
  37. 12c SOA - Generate a random/unique number in XSLT ?
  38. 12c SOA XSLT - Use of Template Rules or apply-templates
  39. 12c SOA BPEL - Set and Get Preference Property
  40. 12c SOA - Modification of existing ESS scheduler
  41. 12c SOA - how to specify Inline schemas within a WSDL file
  42. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part1 - Introduction
  43. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part2 - Resequencer
  44. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part3 - Echo
  45. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part4 - Error Handling 
  46. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part5 - Error Handling
  47. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part6 - Dynamic routing - Override a Static Routing Rule using DVM
  48. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part7 - Sequential vs parallel routing rules
  49. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part8 - Schematron or Payload validation
  50. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part9 - Write a XML file using file adapter
  51. 12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part10 - Java Callout
  52. 12c SOA - BPEL pick activity OnMessage
  53. 12c SOA - BPEL pick activity OnAlarm
  54. 12c SOA - BPEL 2.0 - Dynamic Partner link
  55. 12c SOA BPEL - Error - "fromValue is not a sref:service-ref element"
  56. 12c SOA - set custom jms header property in Mediator and BPEL components and message selector syntax for jms consume
  57. 12c SOA - DB Adapter - Perform select operation on a table
  58. 12c SOA - Composites - Unit Test suites creation and run the test cases from console.
  59. 12c SOA - BPEL - expose service with headers
  60. 12c SOA -BPEL - How to set the service endPoint URI dynamically using invoke endpointURI property
  61. 12c SOA - WS Security- How to protect a web-service with username and password
  62. 12c SOA - WS Security - How to call a protected web-service
  63. 12c SOA - How to use WS Security username and Password policy for Web Services in soapUI
  64. 12c SOA - WS Security - expose service with header and WSSE user token authentication
  65. 12c SOA - Adding Weblogic Server in IDE or Application server in Jdeveloper
  66. 12c SOA - DVM - lookup multiple domain values
  67. 12c SOA - JMS adapter - consume a message from a distributed queue
  68. 12c SOA - JMS adapter - publish a message to a distributed queue
  69. 12c SOA - JMS Message rollback
  70. 12c SOA -UMS Adapter send outbound email
  71. 12c SOA - Business Rules - use of decision table
  72. 12c SOA - How to check BPEL recovery Pool from SOAInfra DB
  73. 12c SOA - Business Rules - use of generic rule
  74. 12c Jdeveloper - Modify Jdeveloper font size
  75. SOA 12c - Transfer artifacts from Jdeveloper SOA Design time repository to MDS
  76. SOA 12c - Call Template to get a date format
  77. SOA 12c - Any type xml data to XML parsing
  78. 12c SOA -DB Adapter singleton property in High Availability Environment
  79. 12c SOA - BPEL - Exposed service issue - Showing multiple services or operations including the external called service.
  80. Web Services Security at Transport Level and Message Level
  81. 12c SOA - BPEL dynamic XSLT
  82. 12c SOA - How to call a shell script from BPEL using java embedding
  83. 12c SOA Synchronous BPEL process with a wait activity fails with a timeout
  84. 12c SOA - Adapter warning Messages after Migrating a SOA Project from 11g to 12c in JDeveloper
  85. SOA - Can we use single FIle/FTP adapter to poll multiple directory
  86. Jdeveloper 12c - unable to launch the java virtual machine located at path: C:\\msvcr100.dll

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