Thursday, June 11, 2020

SOA 12c - Transfer artifacts from Jdeveloper SOA Design time repository to MDS

In this post, we will see how we can transfer any artifacts from SOA Jdeveloper file based design time repository to MDS DB.

Follow the steps:

Step 1: Create a Local soamds folder structure.

Folder structures:
Step 2: SOA_DesignTimeRepository⇾Properties⇾browse the created soamds root folder⇾Test Connection
Step 3: Database ⇾New Database connection ⇾Provide SOA_MDS db connection details and test connection
Step 4:  Create SOA-MDS Connection ⇾choose the created mds db connection ⇾select mds partition as soa-infra⇾ test connection.
Step 5: SOA_DesignTimeReporistory⇾Transfer⇾select the artifacts to be transferred to MDS⇾Select the target DB connection⇾Transfer⇾If any artifact exists then overwrite prompt will come just overwrite ⇾Transferred done

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