Monday, November 18, 2019

12c SOA - Modification of existing ESS scheduler

Sometimes we may need to modify the existing ESS schedulers due to Job execution time changes or day light saving time adjustment.

A scheduler can be modified in following 3 steps.

Step 1: Modification of existing scheduler.
Target navigation⇾Scheduling services⇾ESSAPP
Go to Scheduling servicesJob requestsDefine Schedules
Type the Job definition name and click go.
Your job will appear, select he job and click edit.
 Edit Schedule page will open. Click Change Frequency. It will display a warning message. Click yes.

Go to start dateclick the select date time button.
Here in this example we have increased 5 min.
Note: After modification of time always select next day else it will trigger all schedulers from the start day till current day.
In this example we have selected 14th because current day is 13th . If we select 13th and only change time then it will trigger all schedulers from 12th till 13th .
Click ok.
 Step 2: Submit the job request.
Now go to scheduling services⇾job reques⇾Submit job request.

Select the use existing schedule radio button. Enter the name of the schedule and click search icon.
Again enter the name of the schedule and click forward arrow to search. Your schedule will appear. Select your schedule and click ok.
Your schedule will appear with all its detailsclick ok to submit the schedule.
 Step 3: Delete the old parent of the scheduler.
Go to Scheduling service⇾job request⇾search job request
Select the All scheduling services sharing ESS repository radio button, enter your job definition name and un-check the succeeded checkbox in submitted tab.
Else it will give all the schedulers and we won’t find our specific scheduler.
Here our scheduler appears in the first line of search. The last line is n/a. n/a means parent of current scheduler. A scheduler can have only one parent. So select the old parent and cancel it.
In the following screen shot we have cancelled the old parent.

NOTE: It is a good practice to keep the definition name of the job different from schedule name.
Ex: Definition name: ApplicationName_AutomaticTrainingWelcomeEmail
       Scheduler name: ApplicationName_AutomaticTrainingWelcomeEmail_daily

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