Wednesday, September 4, 2019

11g to 12c OSB projects migration points

1. Export 11g OSB code and import in 12c Jdeveloper.
Steps to import OSB project in Jdeveloper:
  File⇾Import⇾Service Bus Resources⇾ Select configuration Jar⇾ Browse and select the location where the 11g code saved⇾ select the OSB code and open⇾ check Include dependencies(if needed)⇾ finish.

2. Environment specific changes: Change the Business service endpoints, Host, Load balance URL etc. from Jdeveloper and you can also change them using the configuration file form ServiceBus console.

Following is the link to customize using configuration file:

3. To display Xquery Mapper/Graphical design view properly, Right click on project⇾Service Bus⇾Convert To XQuery 1.0.

4. Proper service bus design view: In the JPR-file, there is a part called technologyScope. Remove the part “<string v="SOA"/>” from the technologyScope and restart the Jdeveloper tool and it starts showing the flows/diagrams in design view.
For more details:

5. Use MDS reference: As we know, 12c OSB supports MDS, utilize this reuse-ability feature. Either create a resource service bus project and keep all the reusable artifacts in it or keep them in the MDS itself.

6. Once all the changes done, export the project from Jdeveloper and import in 12c service bus server.
Export steps:
  Right click on the project and click export Service bus resources Configuration Jar check the project to export provide a export destination Finish

7. Deploy in the service bus console: 
Click create session click import config jar Click Choose file and select the jar file you want to deploy click next click import Now you can see the code has been migrated to Server successfully and close it Activate it and provide appropriate comments.

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