Tuesday, September 17, 2019

12c SOA - Composite, MDS artifacts and configuration plan deploy using WLST

Here I will show you how to deploy Composite, MDS artifacts and configuration plan components to SOA server using WLST script and a python file.

Step1: Create SAR files of your SOA projects from Jdeveloper

Step2: Create config plan file from Jdevloper tool. Click here create-configuration-plan for steps to generate the config plan.
Step3: Create a apps zip folder containing all the artifacts to be deployed in a proper folder structure.
For instance, here i will deploy a dvm file kept in this structure apps/soa/dvm/Country.dvm.
Step4: Create a deploy.py file to execute the commands to deploy

#First it will connect to the server

#Import the artifacts to MDS

#Deploy composite without config plan    
sca_deployComposite("http://host:8001", "/soashare/wlsttest/sca_EMPProviderProject.jar",
user="weblogic",password="password",partition ="POC",forceDefault=true, 

#Deploy composite with config plan
sca_deployComposite("http://uadcd-elmweb01:8001", "/soashare/wlsttest/sca_DVMTestProject.jar",
user="weblogic",password="password",partition ="POC",forceDefault=true, 

Step5: Place all the SAR, Config.plan and DVM or other artifacts in unix/aix box directory.
Step6: Unzip the apps.zip folder executing the command (unzip apps.zip)
Step7: Go to Oracle_SOA_Home/oracle_common/common/bin and run the deploy.py file

cd /app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/common/bin
.wlst.sh /soashare/wlsttest/deploy.py

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