Tuesday, September 17, 2019

12c SOA - Use of Configuration plan

  • A configuration plan is an XML file which help you to modify environment-specific values, such as JDBC connection strings, host names of various servers, and etc. on SOA composite deployment time.
  • Practically, the configuration plan contains a set of search and replace rules, that help you to edit host names, JNDI Names, composite properties etc, for services exposed and references consumed in your SOA composite.
  • For each specific environment and composite, there should have one configuration plan.
Create Configuration plan:
Open JDeveloper⇾In the application pane, find your SOA project and right click on the composite.xml⇾Click on Generate Config Plan.
Now that you have created the configuration plan, it should appear under the Resources folder.

Modify Configuration Plan:
Now modify the created config plan as per the environment to be deployed.

Below you will find sections that edit a service exposed and service consumed:
Serviced exposed:
      <service name="dvmtestbpelprocess_client_ep">
         <binding type="ws">
            <attribute name="port">  <replace>http://xmlns.oracle.com/SOAApplication/DVMTestProject/DVMTestBPELProcess#wsdl.endpoint(dvmtestbpelprocess_client_ep/DVMTestBPELProcess_pt)</replace>
Service Consumed:
      <reference name="ProviderEMPService">
         <!--Add search and replace rules for the binding properties-->
         <binding type="ws">
            <attribute name="port">
            <attribute name="location">
            <property name="weblogic.wsee.wsat.transaction.flowOption">

You can modify the <replace> tag values with the desired values and those will be applied to your composite as post deploy changes.

Here is another important section at last part of the config plan where you can search and replace the host-names and different attributes.

   <wsdlAndSchema name="Schemas/Employee.xsd|WSDLs/DVMTestBPELProcess.wsdl">

Deploy the config plan:
There are several ways you can deploy the config plan while deploying the composites to server:
  1. Deploy the config plan from EM console
  2. Deploy from Jdeveloper connecting the integrated app server
  3. Deploy using WLST or ant script files.
Click here composite-deploy-with-config-plan  to deploy config plan file using WLST

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