Wednesday, August 21, 2019

SOA 12c Jedeveloper - Flow designs in OSB servicebus.sboverview is not showing or loading issue.

Flow designs in OSB servicebus.sboverview is not showing or loading  issue:


In the JPR-file, there is a part called technologyScope:
   <hash n="oracle.ide.model.TechnologyScopeConfiguration">
      <list n="technologyScope">
         <string v="SOA"/>
         <string v="ServiceBusTechnology"/>
         <string v="WSDL"/>
         <string v="WSPolicy"/>
         <string v="XML"/>
         <string v="XML_SCHEMA"/>

We just need to delete the part “<string v="SOA"/>” from the technologyScope and restart the jdeveloper tool and its started showing the flows/diagrams in design view.

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