Friday, March 31, 2023

OIC ERP - BIP Report Bursting using Email Delivery Channel

Usecase: Here, we will see how to burst a BIP report using Email Delivery channel.

Highlevel steps:

  1. Create a BIP data model and email busting query.
  2. Create a BIP report based on step1 data model.
  3. Create an ESS job to call the BIP report anx add properties
  4. Run the ESS job from Scheduled processes section
  5. OIC - Create an Oracle ERP Cloud connection
  6. OIC - Create an integration and call the erp adpater and ErpIntegrationService and run the ESS job
  7. ERP Email delivery channel configuration
Bursting query used:
'00121' as "KEY",
'Template' TEMPLATE,
'CONTROL_REPORT' || to_char(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd') OUTPUT_NAME,
'SenderEmail' PARAMETER3,
'Import Invoice Control Report for Source : '|| :p_source || to_char(SYSDATE,'yyyymmdd') PARAMETER4,
'Please find attached Control Report' PARAMETER5,
'true" PARAMETER6,

Detailed steps with Screenshots:

Step1: Create Data model and bursting query.

Navigation >> Tools >> Reports & Analytics >> Browse Catalog >> Create >> Data Model >> SQL Query >> provide a name, data source as Application_FSCM and put the SQL query >> ok >> add the Parameter required >> under bursting -- add the split by and delivery by and SQL Query for bursting.

Step2: Create the BIP report

From that created data model >> create report

Save the report under Custom folders

Then edit the report >> view a list >> change the output formats and default format as required >> save

Open the report and test.

Step3: Create an ESS job and properties

Navigation >> Tools >> My Enterprise >> Setup and Maintenance >> search tasks with Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job sets for Financial, SCM and..>>  click on (+) button to create new ESS job

Step4 : Run ESS job from scheduled processes

Navigation >> Tools >> Scheduled Processes >> Schedule New Process >> search the ESS job >> provide the parameter values >> submit the job >>once succeeded, we will receive an email containing the BIP report.

Step 5 & 6: Call the created ess job from OIC. Follow my below blog for the steps.

Step 7: Emily delivery channel config.

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