Tuesday, April 4, 2023

OIC - ERP - How to submit ESS job and get job status from Oracle Integration

Usecase: submit an ESS job and get job status from Oracle Integration

Highlevel steps:

  • Create an Oracle ERP Cloud connection.
  • Create an Scheduled orchestration integration and call the created oracle erp adapter with following operation
    • submit ESS job request
    • get ESS job status

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Integration Flow:

  1. Take an assign and define all the parameters like ESS job definition name, job package name, paramters required etc
  2. Drop the Oracle ERP cloud adapter and call operation as "submitESSJobRequest" of ErpIntegrationService and map the required fields.
  3. Take another assign and define the parameters for the loop to check job status like inProgressStatus as "true" and essJobStatus as ''
  4. Take a while loop with condition as inProgressStatus = "true"
  5. Keep a wait for required time. Here, its 30 sec.
  6. Drop the Oracle ERP cloud adapter and call operation as "getESSJobStatus" of ErpIntegrationService and map the Submit ess job request response result to request id of get Ess job status.
  7. Take an assign and depending on the get ess job response , assign the ess job status and and inprogressstatus.
Note: used a customized javascript function to convert get ess job status to boolean true or false based on the loop iterates.

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