Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Invoke OIC Integration from Process application | Process Cloud Service

Usecase: We will do the following:

  • Create an OIC appdriven orchestrated rest trigger integration
  • Add this integration in the process
  • Call this integration from the exisiting LeaveRequestProcess where it will feed the Task outcome and other leave details to that Integration.
  • Test it from SOAP UI as web service.

Steps with screenshots:

Create an Integration

From the process >> Integrations, we will add the created integration.

Drag and drop that added integration to process flow after user task

Associate the user task outcome to Integration.

Test it from Soap ui.

Approve or reject the leave task from My Tasks section.

Open Monitoring >> Integration

See we have received the outcome as approved from the user task.

If you want to know how to expose a process as as webservice and test it from soap ui, follow my below blog:


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