Thursday, July 7, 2022

FTP Receive Integration PostProcessing Behavior | B2B for Oracle Integration

  • By default, files that are processed by the FTP Receive integration are moved to a backup directory. 
  • The backup directory name is assumed to be original-input-directory_backup.

We can customize this behavior as follows. To locate these properties, use the Update Property Values menu.
Following Permissions:
1. Delete-Or-Keep-Processed-Files: Controls whether processed files are retained or deleted.
  • deleteAlways: Deletes a processed file regardless of whether processing succeeded or failed.
  • keepOnError: Deletes a processed file only on success. If the processed file failed, the file is retained and moved to a different directory.
  • keepAlways: (default) Retains a processed file, regardless of whether processing succeeded or failed by moving it to a different directory.

2. Error-File-Extension : If a processing error occurs, rename the file by appending the Error-File-Extension value (for example, _error), depending on the Delete-Or-Keep-Processed-Files setting.

For example, if an input file name was 850_po.edi, then the default value after processing the file is renamed to 850_po.edi_error.

  • _error (default).
  • You can set the value for Error-File-Extension to any string. However, the combination of original-input-filenameError-File-Extension must result in a valid directory path on the FTP server.

3. Move-To-Directory: Processed files are moved to another directory depending on the Delete-Or-Keep-Processed-Files value. The backup directory is assumed to be original-input-directoryMove-To-Directory.

For example, if the input directory was /b2b/inbound, then with the default value, processed files are moved to the /b2b/inbound_backup directory.

  • _backup (default).
  • You can set the value for Move-To-Directory to any string. However, the combination of original-input-directoryMove-To-Directory must result in a valid directory path on the FTP server.
4. Processed-File-Extension: If processing is successful, rename the file by appending the Processed-File-Extension value (for example, _processed), depending on the Delete-Or-Keep-Processed-Files setting.

For example, if an input file name was 850_po.edi, then with the default value, after processing, the file is renamed to 850_po.edi_processed.

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