Monday, July 26, 2021

OIC - invoke BI control report and store in s3 bucket using rest connection.


Once the inbound file like policy, sub ledger or FAH processed to Oracle ERP, we get a IMPORT REQUEST ID. Based on the import id, we have to fetch the control file details and save it as text file to s3 bucket.

High level Solution steps:

  • Create BI report invoke soap connection and aws S3 rest connection.
  • Invoke the BI report for the control file
  • Decode the response to base64 reference 
  • Take an amazone s3 rest connection and configure to store the  control response to s3.

Detailed Implementation steps:

Create BI report invoke soap connection:

Here we will configure  " ExternalReprtWSSService WSDL URL " which can be used to run a report. The same connection we will use in below steps while developing integration.

  1. Navigate to connection window and select SOAP adapter, give any meaningful name for connection.
  2. Enter the ExternalReportWSSService WSDL URL  and Select the TLS Version. TLS Version depends on your ERP Cloud Application Instance. Mostly it is TLSv1.1WSDL URL Format : https://<your oracle cloud application instance domain>/xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService?WSDL
  3. Choose Security policy as Username Password token and Enter the *Username and *Password of the Oracle Cloud Application Instance. Click SAVE and TEST the Connection.
Create AWS s3 rest invoke connection:

create a rest S3 connection using  following details:

Connection type: Rest api base url.
Connection URL: https://hostname
Security:  AWS Signature version 4 
Provide access key, secret key, 
AWS region:  like US West(Oregon) Region (us-west-2) 
Service Name: Amazon S3.

Invoke BI report :

Step1: Create a schedule orchestrated integration and specify a schedule parameter like importRequestID.

Step2: Next, drag and drop the BI report soap invoke connection and choose operation as runReport.

Step3: Next, open the mapper and map the following:

sizeOfDataChunkDownload: -1
values item: importRequestID.

Decode BI report response to base64 reference:


Invoke AWS s3 rest connection and configure:

Step1: Drag and drop your created AWS s3 rest connection and configure the following:

provide relative url as /{pathAndFileName}, 
verb put ,  
provide request payload as Binary and choose other media type and mention media type as "text/plain".

Step2: In the map, assign the following:

Template param: pathAndFilename : "/rootnode/inbound/poc/ctrl.txt"
Stream reference :  Base64 reference

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