Saturday, July 17, 2021

OIC - Why to avoid creating too many scheduled integrations

When there are too many scheduled integrations configured, instances can get backlogged waiting for resources to become available or previous integration runs to complete. This can cause processing delays where some instances are in a waiting state longer than they should be and schedules may not start at the scheduled time.

Best practice:

  • Do not create too many scheduled integrations that are scheduled to run at the same time. 
  • Use an asynchronous REST Adapter trigger instead of a scheduled trigger when an active schedule is not absolutely required.
  • Do not create any long-running scheduled integrations (a scheduled integration that takes longer than one hour, for example, to complete). This blocks scheduler resources impacting other scheduled runs.
  • Spread schedules out over time to avoid schedule clusters.
  • You can convert a scheduled integration to an application-driven orchestrated, REST Adapter trigger-based integration. 

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