Saturday, April 20, 2024

VBCS - task14 - Access data from an external REST service

Usecase: Here, we will see how to use visual Builder to access data from an external REST service.

So far, we have created business objects to store data in an embedded database and accessed that data through REST endpoints that were automatically created for us. But business objects are not the only option for data access, in fact, we can connect to any REST enabled data source by creating a service connection.

The create connection wizward provides following 3 options to connect REST endpoints:

1. Select from Catalog: when we have access to an oracle cloud applications or oracle integration instance. We can use the seelct from catalog option to access endpoints exposed by these oracle services.

2. Define by Specification: when we have access to a swagger or oracle ADF file that describes a service.

3. Define by Endpoint: when we know the URL of an external REST endpoint.

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