Thursday, September 30, 2021

ODI - Staging area and different temporary tables

ODI knowledge Modules often use temporary objects to stage temporary data for jobs optimization. These temporary objects are always stored in a particular schema or directory called work schema or staging area. These work schemas should be kept separate from the schema containing the application data.

ODI will create temprary tables during the data trasformation, loading and integration.

Different temp tables:

E$ table: This is generated by Check control knowledge module(CKM) if flow control is enabled.

C$ table: The LKM creates the C$ temp tables in the staging area. This table will hold the records loaded from the source server.

I$ table: Created by IKM. After LKM loads the data onto the C$ , the IKM will load these into I$ table.

J$ table: Permanent Journal tables created when the target is to be used as a source with CHANGE DATA CAPTURE enabled by using JKM.

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