- A lookup is a selector component that returns data from a lookup flow being given a value from a driving flow.The attributes of both flows are combined, similarly to a join component.
- A lookup can be implemented in genereted SQL either through a Left outer join or a nested select statement.
- A lookup condition can be created by dragging an atrribute from the driving flow and then the lookup flow onto the lookup component. The lookup condition is an equi-join between the two attributes.
- The lookup component gives us some additional functionality compared to a join. We can supply a default value for a key that does not exist in our lookup table. Using join, we might have to do an outer join followed by an expression operator providing a CASE statement to replace the NULL from the unmatched key.
- Using lookup, we can define match row rules and no match rows too.
Implementation Steps:
Step1: In Topology, create physical and logical architecture and corresponding schemas and context.
Step2: In Designer tab, Create models and revers engineer to get the required data store tables.
Step3: Create a project and create a map.
Step4: Drag and drop the departments and employees tables and connect with the lookup.
Driver table: Departments
LOOKup table: Employees
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