Tuesday, August 24, 2021

OIC - Encrypt and Decrypt using FTP adapter and PGP

Use Case: Here, we will first read a csv file and then encrypt the file (with Write) and then read the encrypted file and decrypt the file(with Write).

Implementation steps:

Step1: Create a FTP connection using PGP keys. Follow below blog:


Step2: Create a scheduled orchestrated integration and drag and drop FTP connection and configure with read operation with input directory and filename details and provide a CSV file as schema reference.

Step3: drag and drop FTP connection and Write with output directory and filename and select PGP encryption option.

Step4: map the read file details to write fields.

Step5: drag and drop FTP server and read the encrypted file with inpit directory and file name details.

Step6: map the write file fields to read encrypted file fields.

Step7: Drag and drop FTP with Write operation and select Perform PGP Decryption option as below.

Step8: map the file fields

Step9: add tracking and now the integration will like as below. Save it and test.

Input CSV file:

Encrypted file:

Decrypted file:

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