Thursday, July 7, 2022

Create a Trading partner | Create a FTP Transport | Create an Outbound agreement | B2B for Oracle Integration

Here we will see the followings:

  1. Create a Trading partner
  2. Create a FTP transport
  3. Create a Outbound Agreement

Create Trading partner:

Oracle Integration Home >> B2B >> Trading Partner >> Create

Provide B2B Trading Partner Identifiers

Create a FTP Transport:

Transports & Agreements >> Transports >> + sign

Provide Transport Name and Type ( Here FTP) and select a FTP connection.

Provide Inbound and outbound Path details and file name etc.

Provide TP name and it will create 2 Default integrations for Receive inbound And Send Outbound EDI Message.

Deploy it and configure Receive schedule.

Create an Outbound Agreement:

Outbound Agreements >> + sign

Provide Agreement name and select a doc type. Here doc type =850

Provide required Trading partner Host company Identifiers.
Select Transport.
Configure agreement settings as required.

Click add and deploy the agreement to use it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Sample 850 Inbound test data | B2B for Oracle Integration

 Test data - standard 850 inbound EDI:

Saved with 850.edi:

ISA*01*0000000000*01*0000000000*ZZ*4405197800*ZZ*7817373000*101127*1719*U*00400*000003438*0*P*> GS*PO*4405197800*7817373000*20101127*1719*1421*X*004010
ST*850*000000010 BEG*00*SA*08292233294**20101127*610385385
N1*ST*XYZ RETAIL*9*0003947268292 N3*31875 SOLON RD
N4*SOLON*OH*44139 PO1*1*120*EA*9.25*TE*CB*065322-117*PR*RO*VN*AB3542
PID*F****SMALL WIDGET PO4*4*4*EA*PLT94**3*LR*15*CT PO1*2*220*EA*13.79*TE*CB*066850-116*PR*RO*VN*RD5322
PO4*2*2*EA PO1*3*126*EA*10.99*TE*CB*060733-110*PR*RO*VN*XY5266
PID*F****LARGE WIDGET PO4*6*1*EA*PLT94**3*LR*12*CT PO1*4*76*EA*4.35*TE*CB*065308-116*PR*RO*VN*VX2332
PID*F****NANO WIDGET PO4*4*4*EA*PLT94**6*LR*19*CT PO1*5*72*EA*7.5*TE*CB*065374-118*PR*RO*VN*RV0524
PO4*4*4*EA PO1*6*696*EA*9.55*TE*CB*067504-118*PR*RO*VN*DX1875

Note: in the above EDI 850 payload:

ISA06 position value: ZZ >> Sender Interchange ID Qualifier 
ISA07 position value: 4405197800 >> Sender Interchange ID
ISA08 position value: ZZ >> Receiver Interchange ID Qualifier
ISA09 position value: 7817373000>>  Receiver Interchange ID
GS03 position value: 4405197800>> Sender EDI Group ID
GS04 position value: 
7817373000>> Receiver EDI Group ID


Create an Inbound BackEnd Integration | B2B for Oracle Integration

Create a Backend Receive Inbound Integration

Use below payload as Rest Trigger Request payload:
  "type": "MSG",
  "id": "12345",
  "direction": "INBOUND",
  "trading-partner": "ACME",
  "document-definition": "PO_850",
  "message": [
      "b2b-message-reference": "biz:0AC400D117503A8246000000347849EB"
      "b2b-message-reference": "biz:0AC400D117503A8246000000347849EA"

Backend Integration flow:

Steps in Detail:

Create an App driven Orchestration pattern and take a REST trigger and configure

Take a For Each action to get each EDI Message.

Add a Switch and add a condition to get your inbound EDI . Here added condition as document-definition ="TEST_850_PO_DOC"

Drag and drop B2B action and configure
Select a mode: here, B2B Trading Partner mode

Direction: Inbound
Operation: Fetch Message

Select the created Document definition

Map the  currentMsg >> B2b Message Reference to B2B Action>> FetchMessageInput >> B2B Massage Reference

Now we can call a backend service and map the EDI XML data. Here, we are just logging the EDI XML data.

From body scope >> Fault Handler >> Default Handler

Drag and drop B2b action and select Mark as error option for fault handling.

Map the bodyScopeFault object Errocode,reason,details and CurrentMsg reference.

Add a tracking with Trading partner, document-definition and direction.

Receive Inbound EDI using B2B Receive Integration | B2B for Oracle Integration


This is the recommended approach to receive the inbound EDI file using B2B For Oracle Integration.

  • Here, we will create a FTP transport and agreement.
  • During transport creation step, B2B will create 2 default integrations. One to receive the inbound EDI  and 2nd to send outbound EDI from Host Company.
  • During Inbound 850 agreement creations step, we will use backend integration as the auto created Receive one.
  • We will create an Inbound backend Integration which will send the EDI xml to target system, In our case, we are logging the EDI XML.
  • From Receive Inound Integration we will call the created backend inbound integration.
Flow:: FTP Transport & Agreement >> FTP Receive Integration >> B2B Backend Integration>> logger to log the EDI XML

Steps in detail:

First Create an B2B document. 

Here, 850 doc created. Follow my blog to see how to create B2B docs:

Add Host profile Identifiers

As I am using FTP Transport, So AS2 Identifier is not needed.

Add Trading partner >> B2B Identifiers

Add Transports and Agreements

FTP Transport details

B2B Receive and Send Integrations will be auto created.

Create an Inbound Agreement for 850. Here, we select it as FTP Recive Integration one.

See 3 integrations required
1>> Receive 
2>> Send
3>> Inbound Backend

Receive Integration flow:  

This flow is auto created. I just call the  Back end inbound integration and map it.

Inbound backend integration:

Please check my blog how to create Inbound backend Integration here.

Monday, July 4, 2022

B2B for Oracle Integration

 B2B links:

  1. What is B2B for Oracle Integration | Oracle Integration cloud services
  2. Use B2B for Oracle Integration in Trading Partner Mode | B2B for Oracle Integration
  3. AS2 vs FTP transport protocols | B2B for Oracle Integration
  4. Work with B2B schema | creare a custom B2B schema | B2B for oracle Integration
  5. Work with B2B Documents | Create a standard or custom B2B documents | B2B for Oracle Integration
  6. Receive Inbound EDI using B2B Backend Integration | Create a Backend Inbound Integration | B2B for Oracle Integration
  7. Create an Inbound BackEnd Integration | B2B for Oracle Integration
  8. Receive Inbound EDI using B2B Receive Integration | B2B for Oracle Integration
  9. How to update FTP Receive Integration postprocessing Properties
  10. How to update FTP Receive Integration postprovessing properties
  11. Create an Outbound Backend Integration | Outbound Message Processing | B2B for Oracle Integration
  12. FTP Receive Integration PostProcessing Behavior | B2B for Oracle Integration
  13. How to update FTP Receive Integration
  14. Parse an incoming EDI X12 document using Standalone mode | B2B for Oracle Integration
  15. Generate Outbound EDI from an Application Message using Standalone mode | B2B for Oracle Integration
  16. EDI X12 Envelope structure | B2B for oracle Integration
  17. EDI UN/EDIFACT Evelope structure | B2B for Oracle Integration
  18. Process an Inbound EDI Batch File Using the Stage file action | Standalone mode | B2B for Oracle Integration

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