What: To show how to get child process id from process request id.
How: Highlevel:
- Create a BI report using SQL query
- Call it from OIC using soap connection
- Check it from ERP schedule processes
Step1: create BI report
Sql query to use in data model:
See the below blogs:.
How to create data model and test sql:
How to create BI reports:
How to create eText based BI report:
How to invoke erp Bi report:
Create a conneection using ExternalReportWSSServices wsdl
In the Integration, Invoke the connection and operarion as runreport and map as following:
- Provide name values pair as Name: P_REQUEST_ID & value: importRequestID
- provide report absolute path
- SizeofDatachunkDownload as -1
Step3: We can see the processes status from ERP Schedule process :
Import accounting Trasactions is the import req id: 1720657
Child process : Create Accounting for Data Set : 1720660