Tuesday, September 24, 2024

OIC HCM - Designing HDL Load for External Worker Data business object


Usecase: external worker data hdl import to HCM.

Requirements  & Considerarions:

  1. From source , it has sftp and we need to download encrypted sensitive data file
  2. Save a back of the encrypted file in oic embeded file server as once file download or read the file.will.be deleted from source.
  3. Poll the file from oic sftp embededded server and decrypt the file.
  4. Transform to hdl specific pipe delimited file
  5. Load to hcm.
  6. Archive the encrypted file.

Design approach:
  1. We will create 2 integrations
  2. Schedule integration:
    1. It will schedule at a particular time, and 
    2. Invoke source sftp connection and download the file to stage and 
    3. invoke OIC SFTP CONNECTION and save it.
    4. Call the main integration
  3. Main integration:
    1. It will download the file.to stage.
    2. Decrypt the file using stage and pgp key.
    3. Read in segments using stage and transform to hdl file.
    4. Invoke hcm adpater connection and submit hdl
    5. Take a while loop and check hdl.status using hcm adapter
    6. Once, success, archive the file. 
    7. For error, throw error to global fault and send a notification or send to data dog or log etc.
We can also check hdl errors in details using below steps:

Details screenshot:

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