Sunday, September 15, 2024

OIC Gen3 - Working with Projects | Packages vs Projects

Differences between Packages and Projects:

Area packages projects
Overall Usage & Goals Packages provide for organization of integrations to allow for import and export of related resources. In addition to resource organization, projects provide for improved release management and a single unified workspace.
Access Control Resources within packages are visible to all OIC users the same as all other global resources. Projects provide for fine-grained access control.
Deployment Creating a CI/CD pipeline to deliver updated integrations to other environments requires work outside of OIC Projects provide built-in deployment capabilities with release management and controlled deployment capabilities.
Observability Packages do not provide separate monitoring capabilities. Projects provide internal Observe pages for monitoring activated project integrations.

Convert a package to project:

You heard it right. We can convert a package to project. Accelerator and recipe packages are not supports for conversion.

Projects notes to remember:
  1. A project allows to view and work on  integrations, connections, lookups and libraries in one page. 
  2. A project has 3 sections - Design, Deploy and Observe.
  3. There is a "share" option from which we can give access to others to this project. By default a project and its resources is private and only the owner can access.
  4. From design >> we can design our integrations, create lookups, connections etc. And run or test the integrations.
  5. From observe >> we can view the integrations, instances, future runs and audit info
  6. From Deploy >> we can create a deployment of the project, we can select the integrations of the project to be part of the deployment. After creating the deployment, we can export it and use or import it to higher instance.
  7. For packages, export creates a .par file and for projects, export creates a .car file.

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