Sunday, September 15, 2024

OIC Gen3 - File Server action

FTP adapter vs File server action:

  • Using file server action, we can access to OIC embeded file server, Though using ftp adapter we can also connect to OIC embeded file server. 
  • Where as Ftp adapter use sFTP protocol and user credential to connect to oic file server. For file server action, it uses internal apis http/TLS and no user credential required.
  • If File server is enabled from OCI console, then only file server action will be displayed in the action pallet.

When to use FTP adapter:

  • Read a file into the vfs for further processing.
  • Encrypt or decrypt a file
  • Sign or verify a file.

file service action supports following Five operarions:

  1. List Directory
  2. Get file reference
  3. Write file
  4. Move file
  5. Delete file


  • For list directory, max files supports 1000 only.
  • Using file server action, if we write, move or delete files, in the response, success field boolean value will indicate where the operation completed successfully or not.

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