Tuesday, September 17, 2024

OIC - We need to execute a schedule job in oic that will run only on weekdays excluding public holidays?

To execute a scheduled job in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) that runs only on weekdays (Monday to Friday) excluding public holidays, We can follow these steps:

1. Set Up the Weekday Recurrence in OIC:

we can use a recurrence pattern to run the job only on weekdays. choose the iCal format.Set the frequency to DAILY and restrict it to Monday to Friday using the BYDAY parameter.

For example:


This ensures the job only runs Monday through Friday.

2. Exclude Public Holidays:

OIC doesn't provide a built-in way to exclude public holidays automatically. You'll need to handle this manually or programmatically. Here are some approaches:

Option 1: Manually Disable the Job for Public Holidays

Create a list of public holidays, and manually disable the schedule on those days.You could either:Pause the integration the day before the holiday, orModify the recurrence rules around those dates.

Option 2: Use a Lookup Table for Public Holidays

Create a lookup table that contains the list of public holidays.Modify the integration to check the current date against this list at runtime.If the current date is a public holiday, the job won’t proceed further.

Option 3: Programmatically Handle Holidays in the Integration Flow

In the integration logic, before running the core job, add a step that checks if the current date is a public holiday (by querying a list of holidays stored in a file or a database).If it's a public holiday, you can skip the execution.

You can combine options 1 and 3 for flexibility. Manually manage the public holidays for the current year and set up a query mechanism for holidays that changes each year.

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