Monday, August 30, 2021
OIC - How to create Rest ICS connection
OIC - Update lookup from a CSV file
UseCase: Here, we will feed a lookup name as input and then based on the lookup name we will fetch the Lookup csv file from a location using FTP protocol and then call lookup rest api to update the the respective lookup.
Rest API details to update lookup:
API : /ic/api/integration/v1/lookups/{name}
Verb : PUT
Request Json payload:
- You should have a FTP connection to read the csv.
- You should have a ICS rest connection.
Implementation steps:
Step1: We will feed lookup name.
URI: /update/{lookupName}
OIC - send Binary object as rest response
UseCase: Here, we will send .JPG object as input using rest trigger and fetch the file using FTP protocol and send as Rest binary response.
Note: we can also choose document, text or png type or other media types.
Implementations steps:
Step1: Take a rest trigger and configure.
Verb: Get.
Add and review parameters for this endpoint checked
Configure this endpoint to trceive the response checked
Saturday, August 28, 2021
OIC - Search Data from CSV file
Usecase: Here, I will show you how you can search employee information from a CSV file using empid.
High level steps:
- Add rest configure to fetch emp details based on id
- Read csv file using FTP connection
- Map the searching logic to show in rest response.
Step1: Add an App driven orchestratation integration style and add a rest connection and configure id template param and emp details as response.
Friday, August 27, 2021
OIC - Business identifiers
- Business Identifiers helps to track the messages from monitoring dashboard very easily.
- Suppose you are subscribing an event - supplier details from ERP and you want to track the meseages based on the unique supplier id or POid that you can achieve using this feature.
- Without enabling the tracking or business fields, you can not activate the integration.
- Max 3 identifiers can be assigned during design time.
- One is primary identifier.
- Others two are secondary or business identifiers.
- One error sign will be showing in the integration untill you add the tracking fields.
Add tracking and monitor:
Step1: Whether you have a soap or rest triggerd service, go to the actions and tracking and add the 3 fields, Here i added empid as primary and ename and dept fields as secondary fields.
Step2: Go to the monitoring and integrations. Empid will be added as primary identifier and ename and dept will be added in the business identifiers.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
OIC - Using Stage file to encrypt and decrypt files.
Use Case: Here, We will download a csv file using FTP connection and encrypt the file using Stage action and then write the file using FTP connection and then read the encrypted the file using FTP connection and decrypt the file using Stage and write again to file location using FTP.
Implementation steps:
Step1: First We must have imported the PGP private and public keys to settings certificates.
Step2: Download the file using FTP connection.
OIC - Import PGP keys to Setting Certificates to use in Stage file to encrypt and decrypt files.
Here I will show you how to import the PGP keys in settings Certificate section which will be later on used in Stage file for encrypting and decrypring files.
Import steps:
Public Key is used for Encryption and Private Key for decryption. In order to use encrypt/decrypt files we have to upload PGP keys in OIC.
To upload PGP Keys:
Step1: From OIC Home page→ Settings → Certificates page. Click Upload at the top of the page.
Step2: In the Upload Certificate dialog box, select the certificate type. Each certificate type enables Oracle Integration Cloud to connect with external services.
PGP: Use this option for bringing PGP Certificates.
Public Key:
Enter Alias Name and Description
Select Type as PGP
Select Category as Public
Select PGP File, Click Browse and select the public key file to be uploaded
Select ASCII-Armor Encryption Format
Select Cipher Algorithm
Click Upload.
OIC - Decrypt file using FTP download operation and read reference in stage activity
Use Case: Here, we will download (with decrypt) an encrypyed csv file without schema option and then read file reference using stage read entire file option.
Implementation steps:
Step1: First create FTP connection following below blog:
Step2: Create an orchestrated intwgration and drag and drop FTP connection and download the file with pgp encrypt option.
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