Tuesday, December 6, 2022

OIC - Twilio adapter - send SMS / WhatsApp from Oracle Integration

UseCase: Using Twilio adapter, we can send SMS / whatsapp from OIC. Here, we will send a sms and whatsapp messages as well using Twilio adapter.

Implementation detailed steps:

First step: Get a Twilio Trial account from Twilio.com . Then a Trial number - this will be used to send messages

Messaging >> get Setup >> create messageing service.

Second Step: Create a Twilio connection

My first Twilio account >> gather account sid, Auth token , required for OIC twilio connection.

Also take my twilio phone number which will be used as sender number.

Third step: Create an Integration and invoke Twilio adapter

Exposing a rest adapter to receive sender , receiver and sms details and send a status .

Select created twilio adapter and configure.

Select operation as Send SMS or MMS.

Complete the mapping 

Add tracking, save and activate and test.

Sms on phone:.

Fifth step: Add verified called Ids from Twilio trial account

For send Whatsapp messages, follow the below steps:

Twilio account >> Messaging >> Try it out >> Send a WhatsApp Message

Activate your sandbox

Save the number provided in the screenshot in your mobile device and write below code to connect:
Join <Sandboxname>

My case: Join page-giant

Sandbox is connected.

Test the same sms integration with "whatsapp:" prefix before the sender and receiver numbers as below:

Bang! We have received the whatsapp message.

To disconnect the sandbox, just write "stop".


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