Monday, December 19, 2022

ERP BI - Case Study 2 - Create RTF template in MS WORD BI Publisher

Use case: we will perform the following in the RTF template:

  • Show data in tabular format and provide a report name.
  • Repeat table header in each page
  • Sort data in Ascending order on Invoice Number
    • <?sort:INVOICE_NUM;'Ascending'?>
  • Show or limit only 5 records per page
    • <if:position() mod 5 =0?><xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute><?end if?>
  • Show "NO DATA FOUND" if query does not fetch any data
    • <?choose:?><?when:count(INVOICE_NUM) > 0?><?end when?><?otherwise:?>NO DATA FOUND<?end otherwise?><?end choose?>

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Now, my RTF template is ready. Upload it and use.

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