Tuesday, December 13, 2022

ERP BI REPORT - XSLT vs BIP Tags | BI publishers

XSLT vs BIP Tags:

  • Simple BI Publisher RTF template can be developed with BIP tags. BIP Tags are easier to use even who does not have XML or XSLT experience.
  • Behind the scene, BIP tags are translated to XSL code at runtime.
  • To develop rich functionality such as Charts, Graps XSLT is used, wizards can be used to define simple charts and graps but to customize the only option is XSLT coding.
  • XSLT and BIP Tags can co-exist in the RTF template. Custom functions can be created in XSL template and can be invoked from RTF template.
Example of XSL :
  <xsl:value-of select="/Data_DS/G_1/Order_Number"/>

<xsl:for-each select="DATA_DS/G_1">
      <xsl:value-of select="Order_Number"/>

Example of BIP tags :

<?for-each select="DATA_DS/G_1"?>
<?end for-each?>

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