Tuesday, March 29, 2022

VBCS - Overview


  • Oracle Visual Builder is a cloud based software development Platform as a Service (PaaS) and a hosted environement for our development infrastructure.
  • Oracle Visual is a visual and declarative cloud environment for developing and hosting web, mobile and progress web application in minutes from your browser.
  • Oracle VBCS allows to access data from any REST, SOAP based API and allows to create custom reusable business objects to store and manage data.
  • Without the need of any software, VBCS allows to develop and test the responsive web application and native mobile applications.
  • The visual designer allows us to quickly create a web and mobile application by dragging and dropping the rich UI components. - all based on the open source Oracle Javascript Extension Toolkit(JET).
  • Oracle Visual builder comes with a built in database that is used to stote data for your business objects( and your apps meta data too). That db is limited to 5GB in size and also does not enable to access the data in the objects using regular SQL. Luckily we can point VB to use another oracle cloud db including the new Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing(ATP) database which will give you more space and direct SQL access to thr objects vb creates. With ATP, We will get 20GB of storage free.

Business Object:

  • A business object is just a resource for example, en employee or address. It has fields to hold the data for your application. A business object is like database table. In fact, business objects are stored in a database.
  • The web application accessess the business objects through their rest endpoints.

Data Manager:

  • Data Manager allows us to manage the data stored in our application during dev, staging and live phases.
  • Tool to help you migrate data between our databases and to import and export data.

Other tools:

  • Publishing tools for staging and publishing the applications.
  • Advanced tools for configuring role bases security and user access management.
  • Collaboration tools for sharing application resources between team members.
  • Robust tools gor describing requests and responses to Oracle SaaS rest services in the integrated catalog.

Visual Builder benefits:

  • Zero software, browser based.
  • Drag and drop Rich in components development.
  • Custom coding for complex functionalities
  • Fast to developement and Market
  • Seamless integration with Oracle  integrarions and process cloud.
  • Access anywhere.
  • Development and hosting platform.
  • Easy access of data


ERP BI - Case Study 2 - Create BI Report using ETEXT template

Here, we will create a ETEXT template using globally provided format and create a BI report.

Highlevel steps:

  • Create a Data model
  • Create a ETEXT template
  • Create a BI report

BI report Query:

Select hp.party_name supplier_name,

poz.segment1 supplier_number,

poz.vendor_id supplier_id,





from POZ_SUPPLIERS poz, HZ_PARTIES hp where 1=1 

And poz.party_id = hp.party_id

And rownum<=10;

Global Template for ETEXT(modify as per requirement): save the format in ms word with .rtf extension.

Delimiter Format Setup:

Format Setup:

Hint: Define formatting options...








Carriage Return

Hint: Format Data Records Table for DELIMITER_BASED





























Steps in details(Screenshots):

Monday, March 28, 2022

ERP - BI publisher desktop tool installation and Enable add Ins the word | RTF Template

Here we will download BI publisher desktop tool, install and add Ins to MS word.

Steps to follow:

Step1: Go to the following Oracle link and download 32bit or 64 bit:


Step2: click on .exe and install it.
Once installation done, ms word bi publisher will open automatically and Bi publisher tab will show.

You can also go to ERP BI home and go to download desktop tool >> Template Builder For word >> downloads >> download BI Publisher desktop

Step3: sometimes BI publisher tab is not showing in MS word, then we have to add it from add Ins.
Navigation path: File >> Options >> Add-ins >> Manage:(COM Add_ins) Go >> BI Publisher Template Builder for word.

Sometime after creating the rtf part while we click pdf to preview it will throw below error:

javaw -Xmx256M -jar "C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\jlib\RTF2PDFv2.jar" "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Oracle\BIPublisher\TemplateBuilderforWord\tmp\tb_param.xml"

Solution: Java jre is not installed in the system.

Go to java path and download and install.

after installation, configure the java path as below in the ms word >> bi publisher tab >> options >> options >> preview >> set java home :

ERP BI - Case study 1 - Create RTF Template

Here we will create a rtf template based on a data model xml payload and create a pdf BI report based on the created rtf template.

Please follow my previous blog to download BI publisher desktop tool and add-ins in ms word.


Implementaion steps:

Create a data model and export the xml data to create RTF template and save the sample payload and save the data model.

Export the xml data and save As sample data.

Based on the export xml data we will create rtf template in ms word.

Save the ms word in .rtf

Insert  >> header 

Insert >> table

BI Publisher >> sample XML

Table wizard

Preview >> PDF

Create BI report using the created rtf template:

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