Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Python - Inheritance & more on OOPs

 Inheritance is a way of creating a new class from an existing class.


class Emoloyee: #Base Class


class Programmer(Employee): #Derived or child class


We can use the methods and attributes of Employee in Programmer object. Also, we can overwrite or add new attributes and methods in the Programmer class.

Type of Inheritance:

  • Single inheritance
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Multilevel inheritance

Single Inheritance

Single inheritance occurs when child class inherits only a single parent class.

Base -> Derived

Multiple Inheritance:

Multiple inheritance occurs when the child class inherits from more than one parent class.

Multilevel Inheritance

When a child class becomes a parent for another child class.

Super() method

Super method is used to access the methods of a super class in the derived class.

super().__init__()  #Calls constructor of the base class

Class methods

A class method is a method which is bound to the class and not the object of the class.

@classmethod decorator is used to create a class method.

Syntax to create a class method:


def (cls, p1, p2):


@property decorators

Consider the following class

class Employee:


def name(self):

return self.ename

if e = Employee() is an object of class employee, we can print ( top print the ename/call name() function.

@.getters and @.setters

The method name with @property decorator is called getter method.

We can define a function + @name.setter decorator like below:


def name(self, value):

self.ename = value

Operator overloading in Python

Operators in python can be overloaded using dunder methods.

These methods are called when a given operator is used on the objects.

Operators in python can be overloaded using the following methods:

p1 + p2 -> p1.__add__(p2)

p1 – p2 -> p1.__sub__(p2)

p1 * p2 -> p1.__mul__(p2)

p1 / p2 -> p1.__truediv__(p2)

p1 // p2 -> p1.__floordiv__(p2)

Other dunder/magic methods in Python

__str__() -> used  to set what gets displayed upon calling str(obj)

__len__() -> used to set what gets displayed upon calling .__len__() or len(obj)



Create a class C-2d vector and use it to create another class representing a 3-d vector.

class C2dVec:
    def __init__(selfij):
        self.icap = i
        self.jcap = j

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.icap}i + {self.jcap}j"

class C3dVec(C2dVec):
    def __init__(selfijk):
        self.kcap = k
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.icap}i + {self.jcap}j + {self.kcap}k"
v2d = C2dVec(13)
v3d = C3dVec(197)

Create a class pets from a class Animals and further create class Dog from Pets. Add a method bark to class Dog.

class Animals:
    color = "White"

class Pets(Animals):
    def sleep():
        print("Pets are sleeping")

class Dog(Pets):
    def bark():
        print("Dog is barking Bow Bow")

d = Dog()

Create a class Employee and add salary and increment properties to it.

Write a method SalaryAfterIncrement method with a @property decorator with a setter which changes the value of increment based on the salary.

class Employee:

    def salaryAfterIncrements(self):
        return self.salary * self.increments

    def salaryAfterIncrements(selfsal):
        self.incrementssal / self.salary

e = Employee()

Write a class complex to represent complex numbers, along with overloaded operators + and * which adds and multiplies them.

class Complex:
    def __init__(selfij):
        self.i =i
    def __add__(self,obj2):
        return Complex(self.i + obj2.i, self.j + obj2.j)
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.i} + {self.j}i"
print(c1 + c2)

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