Sunday, June 6, 2021

dll file missing - followersmonolog.dll there is a problem starting

 Whenever I start my computer, I am getting this annoying prompt up - "followersmonolog.dll there is a problem starting".

To resolve this follow below steps:

  • Visit this official link (here) and click on Download Autoruns and Autorunsc. Once the archive is downloaded, use WinRar or WinZip to extract the utility into a folder that is easily accessible.
  • Open the folder that you’ve just created and open the Autoruns executable. Wait patiently until the Everything list is populated with startup items.
  • Once the list is fully populated, hit Ctrl + F to bring up the search function. In the search associated with Find what, type the name of the DLL file that is reported by the RunDLL error.
  • Right-click on the highlighted startup key and choose Delete to remove it. Once you do this, hit the Find Next button again and delete every other entry that matches your query.
  • Once all entries are deleter, close Autoruns and restart your computer.

Alternate solution:

An alternate method to resolve this issue is as follows:

1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.

2. Open Task Scheduler and click on Task Scheduler Library.

3. Look through the list for an entry related to BackgroundContainer.

4. If found, right-click on it and select Delete.

5. Exit all programs and reboot the computer when done.


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