Friday, March 24, 2023

OIC - ERP - Download ESS Job's output and log file using ErpIntegrationService web service in Oracle Integration

ErpIntegrationService web service can be used to start an ESS job in Fusion Applications, to monitor status and to download the output and log file. 

In order to retrieve the output and log file of an ESS request following two operations are available:

  1. downloadESSJobExecutionDetails
  2. downloadExportOutput
Usecase : 
Here, we will see how to download ESS job's output and log files using ErpIntegraionService and Oracle ERP Cloud connection in Oracle Integration.

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Step1:  create an Oracle ERP Cloud connection.

Step2: create an Integration to call the oracle ERP adapter and configure. Once get the response, call a sftp connecrion and map the response content or .zip file to a location.

Similarly we can call the downloadExportOutput operation, it will give us the same response.

In real project scenario, we can do the following:
  • Check the ESS job whether it is succes (operation: getESSJobStatus)
  • If success, download the logs and output using operation : downloadESSJobExecutionDetails
  • Write the response contents to a stage location.
  • Unzip the files using stage
  • Write the exact file needed to a sftp location or mail as attachment or use as enrichment to a map.

Following filetype predicate can be put to separate the file read.

Oracle ERP - How to download ESS job's output and log file using ErpIntegrationService web service with SOAP UI?

ErpIntegrationService web service can be used to start an ESS job in Fusion Applications, to monitor status and to download the output and log file. 

In order to retrieve the output and log file of an ESS request following two operations are available:

  1. downloadESSJobExecutionDetails
  2. downloadExportOutput
As a response when invoking the web service with any of these operations, a payload containing a list of document id, file name, content type, file title, author, security group and account, file content is returned. In this payload the file content is contained as an attachment.

Steps with Screenshots:

First fetch the wsdl url from ERP.
Navigation >> Tools >> Developer connect >> search with ERP Integration Service >> click the service and select the wsdl

https://<erp public host>/fscmService/ErpIntegrationService?WSDL

Open the SOAP UI >> New Soap Project >> provide the wsdl url and name >> select operation , here downloadESSJobExecutionDetails >> Request 1

Provide the request id in the payload >> auth >> add new authorizaton >> basic >> provide user and pwd

Run >> select attachments tab in the response window and select the attachement >> select the button which "Exports the selected attachment to a file" >> save with .zip extension at the desired location.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Oracle ERP supplier Callback BI report SQL for control report

Once we have done the FBDI import, we can generate a BI report to show which details successfully processed or rejected and etc.

Here, showing supplier sample sql query for such. We can improve more to the query as per required.

Sample sql query:

With Details 


(Select 'Source: supplier : ' || (select distinct psi.vebdor_id from poz_suppliers_int psi where psi.load_request_id = :p_load_request_id) AS source_name,

'Total number of Suppliers received: ' || (select to_char(count(vendor_id)) AS vendor_id from poz_suppliers psi where psi.load_request_id = :p_load_request_id) AS count_rcv,

'Total number of Suppliers loaded from staging table: ' || (select count(vendor_id) from poz_suppliers_int psi where psi.load_request_id = :p_load_request_id and psi.status = 'PROCESSED') AS count_loaded,

'Total number of Suppliers not loaded from staging table: ' || (select count(Vendor_id) from poz_suppliers_int psi where psi.load_request_id = :p_load_request_id and nvl(psi.status, 'REJECTED')= 'REJECTED') AS count_ignored,

'Total number of errored Suppliers: ' || (select count(vendor_id) from psi where psi.load_request_id = :p_load_request_id and psi.status = 'REJECTED') AS count_rejected,

From dual

Select source_name columnsl1 from details

Union all

Select count_rcv from details

Union all

Select count_loaded from details

Union all

Select count_ignored from details

Union all

Select count_rejected from details

BI report generated:

Data from poz_suppliers_int for a load request id:

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Oracle ERP - Soap UI - Run BI report using ExternalReportWSSService from Soapui

Usecase: Here, we will show how to run BI report from SOAP UI tool.

We have to call the following wsdl format to call the BI report:

https://<your oracle cloud application instance domain>/xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService?WSDL

Steps to follow:

File >> New SOAP Project

Add the wsdl and a project name.

runReport >> Request 1

Put the following data :
Name: p_load_request_id
values >> item : <id>

Add basic Authrization > add provide user and password details and run.

See we got the response which is in base64 decoded format.

Cloud ERP - Custom folder is not showing under shared folder of Reports & Analytics | how to get the shared folders access to a user | get full control access to BI Consumer

If custom folder is not showing under shared folder of reports and analytics or you have only read access to the shared folders, this is simply a permission issues to the user.

To set permission on a folder:

In the shared folder tab, click on the folder to set permission

  • To all users who Have BI Consumer Role assigned: BI Consumer Role >> make it Full Control
  • To a specific user: Add user >> search the user and added the account with full control permission

Details Steps to follow:

Shared Folders >> Custom >> Permission >> BI Consumer Role >> make it Full Control >> ok

Also we can give access to specific user:
Add user >> search the user and added the account with full control petmission  >> select owner and ok

Friday, March 17, 2023

OIC - ERP - How to download Oracle FBDI template | Generate CSV files from the template file

Usecase: Here, we will show how to download FBDI template and get the CSV header and line files from the template 

Implementation Steps:

Step1: Download the Oracle FBDI template for Payable standard Invoice.

And follow the navigation:

ERP >> Financials >> Administer >> Import Data (Get started with file-based data import >> Payables (Payables Standard Invoice Import) >>XLSM template(PayablesStandardInvoiceImportTemplate.xlsm)

Step2 : Generate CSV files from the xlsm template.

In Invoice header, put unique Invoice id and Invoice number.

In Invoice Line , put that same invoice id for all the line Items.

In my caes, I have taken 1 Invoice header and 10 Invoice Line Items.

It will give a zip file which contains header and line files. The same format we have to send to erp for import.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Oracle Cloud ERP - What are the roles required to create data model in Oracle Fusion

If you dont see any option to create a new data model or update an existing one under Reports and Analytics, the reason is that your user account is missing the following required roles:

  • BI Consumer Role
  • BI Publisher Data Model Developer

Before adding the above roles:

Roles to add (navigation >> Tools >> Security Console >> Roles):

After adding the roles:

Note : after adding the roles to a user, you have to run the job - "Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes" to sync and reflect the roles to the user.
Navigation >> Tools >> Scheduled Processes >> Schedule New Process.

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