Tuesday, May 31, 2022

OIC - Export an Integration Using REST API | Rest API for Oracle Integration

Use Case: Here, we will see how to export an integration using Oracle provided REST APIs. We will export the integration and write to a FTP location.

Export Rest API:

Verb: GET

URI: /ic/api/integration/v1/integrations/{id}/archive

We can get all the Rest APIs in docs.oracle.com site under integrations section.


Steps(High Level):

  • Create 3 connections - Rest trigger , Rest OIC self connection and FTP connection.
  • Create an App driven orchestration and configure Rest trigger
  • Take REST OIC connection and configure Rest api call for Export. Choose response as binary and type as application/octet-stream.
  • Call FTP adapter , configure and map the export stream response to FTP location.

Steps with screenshots:

Create Rest OIC connection to call Export.

Create FTP connection 

Create Rest Trigger connection.

Create an app driven orchestration integration.

Configure  Rest Trigger
Request: Identifier and Version
Response: Status

Drag and drop Rest OIC connection and configure Export.

Map the Identifier and Version to Id

Id = Identifier%7CVersion

Call FTP connection and configure write operation with no Schema.

Map the Export Stream response to FTP write file reference.

Added the activities in a scope.

Save and add the tracking and activate


We can see .iar file exported successfully.

Monday, May 30, 2022

OIC - limitation of using Staging area

Staging area:

Staging area is a temporary storage which is used to store file while integration is in execution. All the files being created during the integration run are flushed when the OIC integration completes(Success/Error) it's execution. Stage activity is used to access the staging area.


There is no limit while writing to Staging area but while reading only 10 MB size of messages can be read. 

Solution to limitation:

To read file which has size more than 10 MB, we need to use Read File in Segments. The way around is - use this Read file in Segments action to read file serially, it reads in chunks of 200 and by-passes the 10MB limit.

Friday, May 27, 2022

OIC - Schedule BI Publisher Report through OIC | Oracle Integration Cloud | Schdule report Service


Here, we will see how to call a schedule BI publisher report service( with BI bursring to FTP).

When to use Run Report operation:

  • In Laymen term, use Run report operation if report output size is less than 10MB. 
  • Run report operation will provide the report output in the webservice response.

When to use Schedule Report operation:

  • Use "Schedule Report" operation when report output is > 10MB. 
  • Schedule report will generate the report output in FTP, UCM, Email etc. Which is known as BI report bursting.
High level steps:
  1. Create a Schedule service Soap connection
  2. Take a Schedule orchestration integration and call Schedulw service operation and map all the required patameters 
  3. Take a while loop and call getScheduledReportStatus operation to get the BI run status
  4. You should have a BI report with Bursting data model option, here we are bursting the report to FTP delivery.

Implementation steps:

Create Schedule service SOAP connection

Integration flow:

Create a Scheduled Orchestration Integration

Provide a name and package

Select the created Soap connection for schedule report service.

Configure the Schedule service operation.

Now open the mapper and the map the required parameters name and its values.

Below Columns mappings are required to invoke Schedule BI report operation.

I have provided the following details:

attributeTemplate : "pdf"
name: "p_destination"
Values item: " FTP full path"
reportAbsolutePath: "/Custom/Integrations/Poc/XXSupplierREP1.xdo"
sizeOfDataChunkDownload: "-1"
scheduleBurstingOption: "true"
userJobDesc: instancd id
userJobName: instance id
userId: ERP Service account user
password: ERP Service account pwd

Note: we cant use getFlowId() instead, use  metadata >> runtime >> instanceid. If we use getFlowId, the integration will run continuously and fail. May be it does not support anymore


Next, we will assign counter and loop till we get the GetScheduledReportstatus and then update the counter.

Add tracking


Test and see the outcome.

File generated in the ftp directory

From Monitoring:

To create a BI Bursting report and data model, follow my blog:

You can also use below ScheduleReport service but you can only call the schedule service, there is not "getScheduledReportStatus" operation available.
https://<ERP domain name>/xmlpserver/services/ScheduleReportWSSService?WSDL

OIC - Create Schedule Service SOAP connection | Oracle Integration Cloud

Follow the below steps to create Schedule Service Connection that can be used to Schedule Report.

Login to OIC Instance >> Integrations >> Connectiona >> Create 

Search for SOAP adapter >> Select 

Provide the connection Name & Select role as Invoke and Create.

Enter the below details:

  • Schedule Service WSDL URL : https://<domainName>/xmlpserser/services/v2/ScheduleService?WSDL
  • Security as No Security Policy.

Test and Save

Thursday, May 26, 2022

OIC - Install Connectivity agent in Windows system

 Steps with Screenshots:

Navigation >> Integrations >> Agents

Create a Connectivity agent group


Create a directory in on-premise (behind the firewall/local system). Let's say OIC_AGENT. Unzip the connectivity_agent.zip into OIC_AGENT.

Provide the following details in the installerProfile.cfg


Run the connectivity agent from command prompt using below cmd:

java -jar connectivityagent.jar

It will give a message that agent started successfully. We can also verify from OIC Integrations >> agents and monitoring >> agents about its health.

OIC - Difference between Oracle Databse adapter, DBaaS adapter and ATP adapter

Database Adapter:

It is used to connect the On-premise Databse which is installed behind the firewall, it needs an agent to connect to/from OIC.

DBaaS Adapter:

It is used to connect Database Cloud Services hosted on PaaS platform on Oracld Cloud Infrastructure. This also needs an agent to connect to/from OIC.

ATP Adapter:

It is used to connect Autonomous Transaction Processing(ATP) database which is a PaaS offering by Oracle. It does not require any agent rather it require wallet to connect to /from OIC 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

OIC - ERP - Debugging of Business Events Subscription for Outbound Integration

We can use the following Rest GET URL and test in Postman to check whether our integration is in the Subcription list or not. 

https://<ERP or SaaS instance>/soa-infra/PublicEvent/subscriptions


Add a Basic Authorization

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