Wednesday, January 19, 2022

ERP - Sample Job details , Parameters used, account name details

Some examples of the job name and details: 

1. subledger accounting:

 Accounting Transactions.

DocumentAccount: "fin$/fusionAccountingHub$/import$"

Jobname: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/subledgerAccounting/shared,XLATXNIMPORT

Parameters used:doc id received from ucm upload,,#NULL,#NULL,Y,F,S,Y,Y,Y

No of arguments: 10

2. Payables/invoices:

Import Payable Invoices

Jobname: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/payables/invoices/transactions,APXIIMPT

No of arguments: 14

Parameters used:#NULL,$businessUnitId,N #NULL,#NULL,#NULL,1000 $Source,#NULL,N,N,$ledgerID,#NULL,1

DocumentAccount: "fin$/assets$/import$" or "fin$/payables$/import$

3. Expenses

Jobname: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/expenses/shared/scheduler,FinExmUploadCCTransactionsjobDef

Job Parameters used: JobPackageName,JobDefinitionName,"UPLOAD",Visa,$p_program_id, #NULL,#NULL,#NULL,"FILE_FMT_VISA",$P_DownloadProgramId,"$decrypt_key"

4.reimbursement approval

Validate Payables Invoices

Jobname: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/payables/invoices/transactions,APXAPRVL

5. Assets:

Account: fin$/assets$/import$

JobName: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/assets/retirements/massRetirements,PostMassRetirements


Post Mass Transfer:

JobName: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/assets/tracking/massTransfers,PostMassTransfers

Post Mass Update Descriptive Details:

JobName: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/assets/tracking/massTransfers,PostMassUpdateDescDetails

Post mass Additions:



6. Cash Management:

Import bank statements from a Spreadsheet

JobName: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/cashManagement/bankStatements,ImportBankStatements

Auto Reconcile bank statements:



JobParameters: #NULL

7. JournalImportLauncher

JobName: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/generalLedger/programs/common,JournalImportLauncher

JobParameters: $dataAccessSetId,$sourceId,$ledgerId,#NULL,N,N,N

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

OIC - ERP - How to get the child process id from import request id using OTBI report

What: To show how to get child process id from process request id.

How: Highlevel:

  • Create a BI report using SQL query 
  • Call it from OIC using soap connection
  • Check it from ERP schedule processes

Step1: create BI report

Sql query to use in data model:

See the below blogs:.

How to create data model and test sql:


How to create BI reports:


 How to create eText based BI report:


How to invoke erp Bi report:



Create a conneection using ExternalReportWSSServices wsdl

In the Integration, Invoke the connection and operarion as runreport and map as following:

  • Provide name values pair as Name: P_REQUEST_ID & value: importRequestID
  • provide report absolute path
  • SizeofDatachunkDownload as -1

Step3: We can see the processes status from ERP Schedule process : 

Import accounting Trasactions is the import req id: 1720657

Child process : Create Accounting for Data Set : 1720660

OIC -ERP - How to test sql query in OTBI data model

What: Here I will show you how we can test ERP OTBI sql query from data model:

Why: Suppose we have an OTBI report which we are invoking from OIC to get some details. Sometimes it gets failed and showing BI report db sql query related issue. For that issue triage, we need to test the data set sql query behind the BI report. Most of the cases, its a big query so we can break the sql into small executable module and test in data model.

How: Steps:

Step1: Navigate to Menu 》 Tools 》 Reports and Analytics 

Step2: Browse Catalog

Step3: shared folders 》 Custom 》 GO to the path and select desired folder.

 Step4: Edit the report 

Step5: click on the data model.

Step6: Hit on the + sign button to create a Dataset for SQL Query

Step7: Provide the sql query to test and press ok.

This will create the dataset. 

Step8: Click on data tab and view

It will show the tested query result.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

OIC - Reactivate the Integration after Connection gets changed

Why we need to do reactivate :

If we do changes in a connection and that connection is using by multiple integration, then we must save the connection and reactivate all thr integration otherwise the changes in the connection will not reflect to those integrarions.


Do the change in the connection, like password, uri etc and hit save button and it will allow you to reactivate all the integrarions.

ODI - Steps to increase overall ADW database storage size

Step1: Log in to OCI instance and hamburger -- select Oracle Database and Autonomous Database

Step2: select the required compartment and click on database.

Step3: Navigate to More actions and then Manage Scaling.

Step4: Provide new required storage size and then click update.

In few minutes ADW database size will be increased.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

OIC - Add Header or line file field names with easy method

Sometimes when we send FBDI files to ERP/HCM or other applications, we may also need to share the header or line field names to the file itself. To add huge number of field names manually is a hectice process. But there is option to easily we can add the field names. See thr below steps.


Step1: Take a stage activity and write file operation and privide file name, virtual stage directory and select append to existing file.

Step2: provide a sample csv file with one field name and select Use first row as column headers.

Step3: add all the fields as comma separated within double quotes to target field .

And its done.

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OIC - Moving a File using FTP connection now throws IO operation failed error

Error usecase: Moving a File using FTP connection now throws IO operation failed error. The integration has been working for weeks, with a f...