- Business Identifiers helps to track the messages from monitoring dashboard very easily.
- Suppose you are subscribing an event - supplier details from ERP and you want to track the meseages based on the unique supplier id or POid that you can achieve using this feature.
- Without enabling the tracking or business fields, you can not activate the integration.
- Max 3 identifiers can be assigned during design time.
- One is primary identifier.
- Others two are secondary or business identifiers.
- One error sign will be showing in the integration untill you add the tracking fields.
Add tracking and monitor:
Step1: Whether you have a soap or rest triggerd service, go to the actions and tracking and add the 3 fields, Here i added empid as primary and ename and dept fields as secondary fields.
Step2: Go to the monitoring and integrations. Empid will be added as primary identifier and ename and dept will be added in the business identifiers.