Monday, October 21, 2024

OIC Gen3 - About OAuth setup to call integration and Factory APIs


Before we drive deep into the concept of OAuth2.0, lets first understand with below two terminologies:

  • Authentication.
  • Authorization.

Authentication(who you are):

  • Authentication is the process of proving your own identity to third party service. It verifies whether a person’s identity is the same as he or she had declared himself or herself to be.

Example: So when we are trying to log in to Facebook or Google, we are required to first enter the email and password to verify our identity. This is what Authentication is.

Authorization(What access of resources you have):
  • Authorization is the process of giving someone permission to do something or have something. In this process, a person grants another person to have some of its resources or use some of its resources.
  • It is done after successful Authentication. Here an Authorization server is providing access to third-party services to use some of its resources.

the Authorization server is Google who is providing access to Tableau Desktop(Third-party service)  to use some of its resources.

So OAuth or OAuth 2.0 is an industry standard protocol for authorization, not for authentication. It is meant for service to authorize another service.

OAuth Flow

The requesting, granting, and life management of this tokens are often referred to as a “flow”. The OAuth specification allows for several ways of obtaining and validating tokens, and not all flows are meant for all types of clients.

There are more than one flows available for OAuth. 

Here, we will mainly discuss for below two flows:

  1. Client Credential Flow
  2. Authorization Code Flow

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