Monday, November 20, 2023

ERP BI - Case Study 1 - Create EText EFT template based BI report | Create etext fixed position based BI Report

Usecase: We will create EFT template based or fixed position based BI report:

EFT template or layout:

Implementation Steps:

Step1: Create a Data model based on a Sql query:

Navigation Menu >> Tools >> Reports and Analytics >> Browse Catalog >> Create >> Data Model >> Click New Data Set >> SQL Query >> provide the SQl query and Dataset name >> ok >> go to data tab and view the data >> save as sample data >> export the xml data to see the structure and content. >> save the data model.

Sql query used: 



WHERE rownum <101

Step2: Based on the Exported xml data structure, create EFT delimiter based rtf doc and upload it to create a report >> Save >> view report

Note: Use the attached EFT template google drive link and copy and modifiy as per your need. SAVE it as .rtf file

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