Thursday, September 21, 2023

OIC - what is the maximum concurrent / parallel OIC scheduled flows limit?

  • The maximum concurrent / parallel OIC Scheduled flows limit is 2 per managed server. 
  • In case of a 2 node cluster, 4 scheduled flows can run in parallel.

Jobs of scheduled integration flows are controlled by IcsFlowIncompatibility property.

If user chooses to run the integration flow using ad hoc submit Now option, tgen IcsFlowIncompaProp of thr schedule job will be like:


If user defines a schedule for the integration flow and starts it, then IcsFlowIncompatProp of the scheduled job will be:


Job incompatibility will restrict jobs with same IcsFlowIncompatprop value from running in parallel.


  • 2 submit runs of the same flow can not run in parallel.
  • 1 submit run and 1 scheduled run can run in parallel.

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