Monday, May 17, 2021

OIC - Process large file (above 10MB)

let’s discuss key design options based on your file size, content format and delivery (outbound) particularly files above 10MB.

The integration cloud offers several designs and modeling options to process large files. 

  • The Download file option allows the loading of files up to 1GB in Integration Cloud local file system.The file can be received in OIC from File Transfer Protocol (sFTP) server or through REST/SOAP APIs. This file then read in segments using the stage activity.

If your File size is less than 1 MB, you can use Any Adapters for Inbound Interfaces with no limitation for Runtime Considerations.

File greater than 1MB but less than 10MB, you can use Any Adapters for Inbound Interfaces with some limitations at Runtime. File Processing Limitations: Only XML or CSV format supported, Read Entire File in one go is not supported so you need to use Read File in Segments in Stage File Action.

For Outbound, you can use any Adapters that support both BASE64 encoding and file attachment.

For Files greater than 10MB, we have to use FTP, REST and SOAP adapters, with some limitations at Runtime. File Processing Limitations: Only XML or CSV format supported, Read Entire File in one go is not supported so you need to use Read File in Segments in Stage File Action.

For Outbound, you can use only use adapter that supports file attachment like FTP, REST and SOAP.

Integration Cloud does not allow loading files larger than 10MB for performance reasons.

If you need to read larger files, there is an option to “Download file”. This option handles files up to the size of 1 GB and allows files to be directly downloaded into OIC local file system without reading into memory.

The Downloaded files are accessed with the help of Stage Activity. It provides simple access to the Integration Cloud local file system.

Stage Activity provides options to list, read, write, zip and unzip files from logical directory paths used to download the file in the underlying file system.

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