Saturday, May 9, 2020

12c SOA - Weblogic - delete JMS Queue messages from persistent store level

Sometimes we are facing a situation where a gigantic amount of messages are stored in the JMS queue but not processing at all and we are also not able to remove them from the queue itself. There is one alternate option to clear the messages from the persistent store level itself.

Solution steps:

Step1: Check the persistent store path, go to the path and delete SOA_JMSFILESTORE.DAT file
cd app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/soa-osbdomain/servers/soa_server1/data/store/default
total 4112
-rw-r-----    1 oracle   dba         1052672 Apr 09 21:21 SOA_JMSFILESTORE1000000.DAT


Step2: Restart the affected the manage servers. Like in this case, I have restarted the SOA1 Manage Server.

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