Monday, May 9, 2022

OIC - Generate Random number using Javascript function in Oracle integrations

Use Case: We will generate Random number based on number of digits required using Javascript function.

Example, if we put input digit = 3 that means it will generate a random number between 1 and 1000.

Javascript function:


function generateRandomNumber(digit){

var RandomNum=Math.floor((Math.random() * digit) + 1);

return RandomNum;


Steps in detail(With Screenshots):

Upload the Javascript code to OIC Libraries

Create a lookup for random digit 

Create App driven Integration

Call Rest Trigger and configure

Call Javascript action and select the created randomNumber function.

Provide the digit value with LookupValue

Map the js response to trigger reply.


Monday, May 2, 2022

VBCS - Call OIC Integration from Visual Builder Cloud Service

Use Case:

  • Create a Service connection of the OIC integration Rest service.
  • Create a Web application.
  • Create a web page and take input text or number as required and a button.
  • Create a Rest service request Type and variable.
  • Using the variable  fields map to the input text fields.
  • From the button event, we will call the OIC rest service and assign the above variable to feed the customer data.

Steps in detail:

Create a service connection

We can now test the created connection.

Create a web application

Drop Input text or Number and Button

Rename the input components.

Create a Type

Create a variable 

Map the variable fields to the input components

Create a event on button

Drop call rest component

Assign endpoint service.

Map the variable to body of the rest service.

Drop a Fire Notification

Provide needed info

Preview and provide field test info and click submit.

We can see test data successfully posted to OIC.

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