Friday, May 27, 2022

OIC - Create Schedule Service SOAP connection | Oracle Integration Cloud

Follow the below steps to create Schedule Service Connection that can be used to Schedule Report.

Login to OIC Instance >> Integrations >> Connectiona >> Create 

Search for SOAP adapter >> Select 

Provide the connection Name & Select role as Invoke and Create.

Enter the below details:

  • Schedule Service WSDL URL : https://<domainName>/xmlpserser/services/v2/ScheduleService?WSDL
  • Security as No Security Policy.

Test and Save

Thursday, May 26, 2022

OIC - Install Connectivity agent in Windows system

 Steps with Screenshots:

Navigation >> Integrations >> Agents

Create a Connectivity agent group


Create a directory in on-premise (behind the firewall/local system). Let's say OIC_AGENT. Unzip the into OIC_AGENT.

Provide the following details in the installerProfile.cfg


Run the connectivity agent from command prompt using below cmd:

java -jar connectivityagent.jar

It will give a message that agent started successfully. We can also verify from OIC Integrations >> agents and monitoring >> agents about its health.

OIC - Difference between Oracle Databse adapter, DBaaS adapter and ATP adapter

Database Adapter:

It is used to connect the On-premise Databse which is installed behind the firewall, it needs an agent to connect to/from OIC.

DBaaS Adapter:

It is used to connect Database Cloud Services hosted on PaaS platform on Oracld Cloud Infrastructure. This also needs an agent to connect to/from OIC.

ATP Adapter:

It is used to connect Autonomous Transaction Processing(ATP) database which is a PaaS offering by Oracle. It does not require any agent rather it require wallet to connect to /from OIC 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

OIC - ERP - Debugging of Business Events Subscription for Outbound Integration

We can use the following Rest GET URL and test in Postman to check whether our integration is in the Subcription list or not. 

https://<ERP or SaaS instance>/soa-infra/PublicEvent/subscriptions


Add a Basic Authorization

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

VBCS - Create Custom Javascript function in Visual Builder

Use Case: Here, we will create a Javascript function which will accept a name string as input and return concatenated greetings.

Javascript code:

PageModule.prototype.greetingsFunction = function(name) {

var result = "Hello " + name + ". Have a nice day !!";


High level Steps:

  • Create a javascript function code.
  • Take an input text (name) and a text area(greetings) and create 2 variables varName  and varGreetings and map them to the name and greetings element.
  • From name element >> create an event and call the javascript using call function and feed input with varNane and take the result and map back to grestings variable.

Steps with Screenshots:

Create a new web application

Take a input test (Name), divider, a text area(greetings)

Create 2 variables. varName and varGreetings.

Map the data variables with the Name and Greetings elements.

Select Name element >> events >> New event >> On Value

Drag and drop JS call function

Add the JS function code.

Map the varName to Function input name.

Take a assign and map the function result to varGreetings .

Go Live and test.

Provide name and tab any where on the page.

Friday, May 13, 2022

OIC - Prerequisites for creating Oracld ERP Cloud Connection

Following steps required to perform:

1. Subscribe / access to Oracle Fusion Cloud Preferably with integration User / Service Account.

2. Obtain Oracle Fusion Cloud URL along with credentials

https://<oracle fusion erp cloud pod>

3. Assign following roles to Integration user / Service Account in Oracle Fusion ERP cloud in security console.

  • Integration Specialist : it is a job role which inherits Oracle ERP Cloud roles but does nkt include any data access.
  • AttachmentsUser: provides access to the Attachments Security which enables user to download log or output file using ERP Integration service.
  • SOAOperator: SOA Operator role 
  • FND_MANAGE_CATALOG_SERVICE_PRIV : To Manage Web service Catalog.

4. Module/Functionality/object specific (GL, AP, AR etc) job roles along with data access for the concerned security context. E.g, General Accounting Manager with data access to US Primary Ledger for Data access set security context.

5. To Subscribe to Fusion Business Events and FBDI Callback: Register CSF key(Identity domain and OIC Service name) under Manage Security of SOA Composer in Fusion SaaS.

https://<Oracle Fusion ERP Cloud Instance>/soa/composer

6. To access REST catalog through Oracld ERP Cloud Adapter 


Go to Setup and Maintenance >> Manage Profile Options

Create a profile option by giving following information:


Application: Application Toolkit

Module: Application Toolkit

Description: any comment

Start date: current date

Enable at User level.

Click on save and close.


Go to Setup and Maintenance >> Manage Administrator Profile Values

Created Profile Option values (profile level=User | Value =true)

Click on save and close.

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OIC - Moving a File using FTP connection now throws IO operation failed error

Error usecase: Moving a File using FTP connection now throws IO operation failed error. The integration has been working for weeks, with a f...