Here, we will see how to load a XML file to SQL table.
Step1: Topology - Physical Architecture - XML
Here, we will see how to load a XML file to SQL table.
Step1: Topology - Physical Architecture - XML
When ODI loads data from source table or datastore to Staging table, it stores to C$_default table then from there it sends the data back to Target table or datastore.
If we want to use unique object name like the unique staging area C$_12unique...default table then we have to go to mapping - physical tab and select option - "Use Unique Temporary object names".
By default, ODI will provide us few of the Global Knkwledge modules. Apart from that, we can also import Oracle provided KMs.
Steps to import:
Step1: Go to your created project and right click on the Knowledge modules object and traverse the following directory and select the required KMs and press ok
Path: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\odi\sdk\xml-reference
Here, We will create a primary key constraints on dept no. On dept model datastore.
Step1: Create a model folder.
Implementation Steps:
Step1: Locate the ODI load plan you created. And expand your load plan by clicking on the + sign next to the name of the load plan. This can be found within the “Load Plans and Scenarios” tab. Highlight the “Scheduling” option and right mouse click.. Then select New Scheduling.
Implementation steps:
Step1: Go to Design tab and Models Accodian and click the folder sign and New Model and Topology Objects.
OdiFileMove: Use this command to move or rename files or a directory into files or a directory.
Here, I have created two referesh variables and one to store source path and another to store archive path. Now connect these two variables with OdiFileMove cmd to move files from source to target.
Once this package created, then create a scenario and run and check in operator tab for execution status.
For more details on cmd and paramters:
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