Monday, July 15, 2024

ERP ESS - ESS job with parameters using Lookup

Usecase: Here, we will create a lookup for invoice source and then link to ess job parameter and then run the ess job to invoke the BI report.

Steps to follow:

  1. Tools >> Reports and Anlytics >> browse catalog >> create data model >> create two LOVs for source and invoice number >>create 2 parameters and link to the LOVS >> Create data set >> go to data tab and test >> save as sample data >> create report
  2. My enterprise >> Setup and Maintenance >> golbal search with Manage Common Lookups >> create lookup : XXSOURCE_LOOKUP , module: Toolkit>> add lookup codes like ISP, ERS.
  3. Search with Manage Enterprise Schedule >> Manage List of Values sources >> application name: application Toolkit , LOV source name: Common Lookup , LOV Source definition name: oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.lookups.modelpublicView.CommonLookupPVO
  4. Manage Job Definitions >> provide ESS job details. >>create paramter P_source and assign page element as Choice list. LoV source : Common Lookup
  5. Link the lookup with the parameter. Default value: 'XXSOURCE_LOOKUP'.
  6. Tools >> Scheduled Processes >> schedule new process >> XXDEMO_ESS_JOB TAB >>> select values and submit

Detailed screenshots:

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