Thursday, December 26, 2019

12c SOA - Oracle Mediator part5 - Error Handling

Use Case : When there is any mediator error, Using fault policy and fault binding, publish the error details into a JMS Queue.

Read Previous blog 12c-soa-oracle-mediator-part4-error-handling for more details.

Create a Distributed Queue and connection factory.

 Add  JMS Alert action

 Add a Header value.
 Create required Properties
 Provide Destination and CF details.
 Press ok.

 Select the created JMS Alert.
 Deploy and test. The mediator failed and stored into the Queue.

Error message:
<commonfault xmlns="">
<errorCode> 3302</errorCode>
<engineType> mediator</engineType>
<faultName> {}mediatorFault</faultName>
<faultType> SYSTEM</faultType>
<message>ORAMED-03302:[Exception in oneway execution]Unexpected exception in one-way operation &quot;execute&quot; on reference &quot;MediatorResequencerProject&quot;.Possible Fix:Check whether the reference service is properly configured and running or look at exception for analyzing the reason or contact Oracle Support Services. Cause: Client received SOAP Fault from server : The composite &quot;POC/MediatorResequencerProject!1.0*soa_0ad97452-27c1-4e45-afa0-6993a0abc094&quot; is retired. New instances cannot be initiated.</message>

Fault policy:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <faultPolicy id="policySet">
            <faultName name="medns:mediatorFault" xmlns:medns=""
                       description="All Mediator faults">
                    <test>contains($fault.mediatorErrorCode, "TYPE_ALL")</test>
                    <action ref="default-termination"/>
                    <alert ref="jmsProperties"/>
                    <action ref="default-termination"/>
            <Alert id="jmsProperties">
                <JMS propertySet="jmsPropertySet">
                        <property name="MSG_ID">1</property>
            <Action id="default-termination">
            <Action id="default-human">
            <Action id="default-java">
                <javaAction className="oracle.integration.platform.faultpolicy.IFaultRecoveryJavaClass" defaultAction="default-termination"/>
            <Action id="default-replay">
            <Action id="default-rethrow">
            <Action id="default-ws">
                <invokeWS  uri="WebServiceURI"/><!-- format - <Absolute wsdl path>|service name|port name -->
            <Action id="default-enqueue">
                <enqueue uri="QueueURI"/> <!-- QueueURI format  - jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid>#<un>/<pw>#queue -->
            <Action id="default-file">
                    <fileName>FILE_NAME</fileName><!-- FILE_NAME will support %ID%(rejected message instance id) or %TIMESTAMP% wildcards -->
            <Action id="default-retry">
            <propertySet name="jmsPropertySet">
                <property name="jmsDestination">jms/SOAErrorQueue</property>
                <property name="connectionFactory">jms/SOAErrorQueueConnectionFactory</property>

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