Thursday, July 6, 2023

OIC -Upload file to UCM using Rest service

Usecase: Here I will show you how to create a csv file into stage and upload the file to UCM using rest service.

Rest service URI used:


Sample request payload:









About Request parameters:

  • OperationName: uploadFileToUCM
  • Document content: base64 encoded file. Here, I have used oraext:encodeReferenceToBase64() to encode from file reference to base64.
  • DocumentAccount: "fin$/payables$/import$" >> anyone you need
  • Content type: Document or zip
  • Filename : give the file name which to be uploaded to UCM

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Create a rest connection 

Integration flow:

Create a csv file into stage:

Call rest service to upload file:


OIC - Upload file to UCM using webservice | ErpIntegrationService

Usecase: Here I will show you how to create a csv file into stage and upload the file to UCM using ErpIntegrationService webservice as follows:

  1. Call uploadFileToUcm operation and update the following in the mapping:
    1. Document content: base64 encoded file. Here, I have used oraext:encodeReferenceToBase64() to encode from file reference to base64.
    2. Filename : give the file name which to be uploaded to ucm
    3. Content type: file type(csv, Document or zip)
    4. DocumentTitle: filename
    5. DocumentSecurityGroup: FAFusionImportExport
    6. DocumentAccount: "fin$/payables$/import$" >> anyone you need

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Create a soap connection with


Integration flow:

Create a csv file into stage:

Call soap service to upload file:

Map the required fields:

Monday, July 3, 2023

OIC - Download file from ucm using webservice | ErpIntegrationService

Usecase: Here I will show you how to get the file from ucm using ErpIntegrationService webservice as follows:


  1. First get document id by file prefix (doc title) 
  2. Second get document by document id , fetched from 1st step.
  1. Get the document by file prefix(doc title) directly.

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Create a soap connection with


Case1 : Integration flow:

Call soap adapter to get doc id by file prefix

Call soap adaptet to get document by document id.

Aftet testing, got the document in base64 coded. To read it, we have to decode it.

Case2 : Integration flow

Call soap to get document by file prefix


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