Tuesday, December 10, 2024

OIC - How to create Multiple type fixed length file native schema(NXSD)


Here, we will see how to create NXSD for a multiple type fixed length file in Jdeveloper.

Detailed screenshots:

New >> from Gallery 

Search nxsd >> next shchema


Give file name

Select fixed length >> select the fixed length file

Select multiple records are of different types

Provide root name and target namespace

Provide end position. Here 2 to uniquely identify the records. >> Scan

Select each record type and provide the field positions. Like here file header has 3 fields each size 2, 8, 9 so that position will be 2,10(2+10),19(1+8+9)

Provide all the field names

Nxsd is ready and test and save.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

OIC Gen3 - SAAS to SAAS integration | Get Oracle Right Now Incidents for Oracle CRM (Oracle CX Sales application)


Here, we will do the following for SaaS to SaaS to integration.

  • Create two connections for oracle right now and oracle CRM(Oracle CX Sales)
  • Create integration and configure business object for Oracle CRM account as request and get response as Incident
  • Configure Oracle Right Now to get the incidents based on Org id using Right now object query language(ROQL).
  • Map the request to right noe and right now incidents back to the oracle CRM.

Detailed screenshots:

Friday, December 6, 2024

OIC Gen3 - Retrieve CRM account details uaing Oracle CX Sales and B2B service adapter


Here,we will get CRM account details for an account id using Oracle CX sales & B2B service cloud application comnection.


  • Create an connection to an Oracle CX Sales & B2B service Cloud application.
  • Create an integration and configure the rest trigger
  • Implement logic to retrieve an account object from fusion cloud
  • Implement the response mapping.

Detailed screenshots:

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