Friday, July 7, 2023

OIC - Download file from UCM using Oracle ERP Cloud adapter | ErpIntegrationService

Usecase: Here I will show you how to get the file from ucm using Oracle Cloud ERP adapter ErpIntegrationService as follows:


  1. First get document id by file prefix (doc title) 
  2. Second get document by document id , fetched from 1st step.
  1. Get the document by file prefix(doc title) directly

Detailed steps with Screenshots:

Create an Oracle ERP cloud adapter connection

Integration flow:

Write a file to stage:

Create a csv file into stage:

Call Oracle ERP cloud adapter to download file from UCM:



OIC - Upload file to UCM using Oracle Cloud ERP adapter | ErpIntegrationService

Usecase: Here, I will show you how to upload files to UCM using Oracle ERP Cloud adapter.


  • Using Send Files to ERP Cloud with details:
    • docTitle : filename
    • doctype : Document
    • securityGroup : FAFusionImportExport
    • docAccount : fin$/payables$/import$
    • fileReference : stage file reference
  • Using Query, Create, update or delete information ErpintegrationService and operation: uploadFileToUcm with details:
    • Content : file reference or base64 encoded
    • Filename
    • ContentType: filetype(csv, document or zip)
    • DocumentTitle: filename
    • DocumentSecurityGroup: FAFusionImportExport
    • DocumentAccount : fin$/payables$/import$

Detailed steps with Screenshots:

Create an Oracle ERP cloud adapter connection

Integration flow:

Write a file to stage:

Create a csv file into stage:

Call Oracle ERP cloud adapter to upload file:

Case1: Send Files to ERP Cloud option

Case2: Query, Create , update or delete information option.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

OIC -Upload file to UCM using Rest service

Usecase: Here I will show you how to create a csv file into stage and upload the file to UCM using rest service.

Rest service URI used:


Sample request payload:









About Request parameters:

  • OperationName: uploadFileToUCM
  • Document content: base64 encoded file. Here, I have used oraext:encodeReferenceToBase64() to encode from file reference to base64.
  • DocumentAccount: "fin$/payables$/import$" >> anyone you need
  • Content type: Document or zip
  • Filename : give the file name which to be uploaded to UCM

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Create a rest connection 

Integration flow:

Create a csv file into stage:

Call rest service to upload file:


OIC - Upload file to UCM using webservice | ErpIntegrationService

Usecase: Here I will show you how to create a csv file into stage and upload the file to UCM using ErpIntegrationService webservice as follows:

  1. Call uploadFileToUcm operation and update the following in the mapping:
    1. Document content: base64 encoded file. Here, I have used oraext:encodeReferenceToBase64() to encode from file reference to base64.
    2. Filename : give the file name which to be uploaded to ucm
    3. Content type: file type(csv, Document or zip)
    4. DocumentTitle: filename
    5. DocumentSecurityGroup: FAFusionImportExport
    6. DocumentAccount: "fin$/payables$/import$" >> anyone you need

Detailed steps with screenshots:

Create a soap connection with


Integration flow:

Create a csv file into stage:

Call soap service to upload file:

Map the required fields:

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